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Information, Intuition and Intelligence

Our lives are long and full of challenges but it's how we react to those situations that decides whether or not our experience will be an incredible one.

I've met intelligent people who were successful in their own right and good people to be sure but they were about as inspiring as watching a talented accountant crunch numbers and the same could be said of the majority of church-goers I know.

Both know the rules but challenge virtually nothing and innovate even less. They get stuck in their own echo chambers because they neglect to coordinate both sides of their brain, instead smashing them together like someone who hasn't quite figured out clapping.

Rational adults are always going to tell you that something is illogical and the religious will usually tell you that something is blasphemous but I promise you this, dear reader, believing in the illogical hasn't hindered a single academic pursuit I've taken on and an appreciation for evolution and astronomy hasn't shaken my utilization of spirituality in the slightest.

If people didn't fall head over heels for one side or the other, they might find that both 'houses' compliment each other quite nicely.

The big unknowns, to include alien life, god and extra-sensory usually don't recieve concrete answers, but they're not supposed to. They're phantoms created by the psyche to keep our minds innovating and wanting of more. Maybe Instead of listening to people who in no way know the answers to life themselves, we might have just been better off pursuing our own scientific passions and creating a myth (spirituality) tailored to our own personality.

Learning and innovation take imagination... and where does one train their imagination? Inside their noodle of course.

I believe that the mind uses imagination and the -highly individual- symbols associated with it as a means to communicate concepts between the conscious and subconscious.

I know that my brain picks up on about 11,000,000,000 bytes of information continually and after devoting only about 200 bytes to conscious thought, I like to think that at least a small portion is compiled for future use, what we feel as synchronicity or instinctual decisions (gut feelings).

What I've done to try and squeeze a little more data out of the environment is practice strengthening that line of communication by acknowledging the idea that my brain line up external stimuli that I would normally miss (part of those 11,000,000,000 bytes). As far as how I receive information later, I like to think that what we know of as synchronicity and intuition is just that.

So practice what you can, enjoy wrapping up this entry with your copy of the most complicated structure in the universe, quietly reading this paragraph right along with you, taking notes and remembering things that your conscious mind usually loses in about two minutes.

The most important thing you can do is stress less and daydream more. Listen to your gut and go with what feels right, your brain knows what it's doing. Remember that imagination is imperative as a means to communicate and work out problems that logic alone doesn't always understand. Convince your brain through intelligent daydreams that both sides of your brain can work together.

- Brandon S. Heal

Credit for the artwork goes to Gaius. See more at:

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