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Our Philosophy

There's a lot of talk about attempting to bridge the gap between the fields of psychology and physics and even CERN has even brought on a few psychologists to advise them on situations that arise when the line between... observer and the observed needs to be determined.

While much of the academic community is aware of the situation, those of us without PhDs usually don't. It is the belief of this team that we are approaching another great leap in understanding, a boom that blows open the doors of how we humans understand our place in the world. We are at a point where we have two significantly developed theories and we are trying to figure out how to combine them.

Much like making a new dish out of two existing recipes, there's a lot of experimenting and wild theories involved. We at Derivative Psychology believe that we've done our research (almost a decade) and we're well on our way to presenting psychology in a way that, like our bodies, can be strengthened with an appropriate 'diet' and 'exercise'.

Right now, specialists charge $300 an hour to help people return to normal and completely neglect to mention the ability of a well trained psyche. Pain, addiction and trauma are serious issues but we are 50 years behind in how we deal with them because most of our sharpest minds have been caught in the projects that draw money or are academically brushed over. Physics has been funded, regulated and developed to the point where it is today because the field gave us technological applications and weapons. It is now painfully obvious that we need to build the other half of the bridge if we expect to go anywhere.

Psychology should be able to help us navigate the whole of our mind, not just our emotions. We should know how to exploit our individual psychological weaknesses and abilities to avoid those things that distract us, help us think laterally, deeply, ten steps ahead, and with the kind of precision we've developed in physics. Either way, we don't, but that's okay. It just means that now is the time for us to roll up our sleeves and get to work.


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